
Fruits are juicy edible fruits of cultivated and wild plants. They are divided into pome fruit (apple, pear, quince), stone fruit (apricot, plum, cherry, peach, etc.), citrus (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, etc.), subtropical and tropical (figs, pomegranate, mango, pineapple, banana, avocado) species, berries (currants, gooseberries, grapes, cranberries, etc.). The fruit also includes the fruits of gourds (melon, watermelon). Fruits are of great importance in human nutrition. The pleasant taste and biological value of fruits are due to the presence of a significant amount of useful substances in them.


As they say, the taste and color of comrades there. And yet most people consider apricot one of the most delicious fruits. This is the oldest fruit culture, from time immemorial grown on the mountain slopes of China and Central Asia. Mention of it is found in Chinese books written more than 2000 years before our era. From here it spread through Iran and Transcaucasia further to the west. Some scientists believe that in the 4th century BC, the apricot was exported from Armenia by Alexander the Great and went to Greece and Rome.

Apricots are widely used in fresh and processed form. For the preparation of juices, compotes, marmalade, stalks, figs, candied fruits, jam, confiture and for obtaining dried fruits: dried apricots - dried fruits without pits in the form of halves; kaisy - fruits with removed bones by extrusion; apricots - whole fruits with bones. Apricot is also called zheltoslivnik, sea, dried apricots, zherdeli, uryuk.


Wine berry, fig tree, fig tree - these are all names of figs. The fig springs (both fresh and sweet) are tasty and very useful. It is rich in vitamins, sugars, proteins, pectin substances, fiber, macro- and microelements. Sugar in it more than in dates, and iron more than in apples. In figs there are many salts of potassium and therefore it is indicated for heart diseases, venous insufficiency, for the prevention of hypertension. Figs stimulate metabolism in the body, improves digestion. In figs, fitsin, which is rarely found in fruits, is contained in the fruit - it lowers the coagulability of the blood, and consequently - promotes resorption of blood clots in the vessels. Fig is considered the fruit, the richest for phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and fiber. Fruits of figs - with a very delicate skin, are filled inside with a sweet reddish "jelly" and small grains. In fruits, fermentation often begins directly on branches, hence the second name - "wine berries."


Pear fruits are very sweet, because contain a lot of sugar. Harvest ripens in August or September, depending on the variety. The fruits are oblong or slightly rounded. According to the botanical classification, the pear fruit is called a drupe or a false berry. Color - from light yellow, almost white, to rich orange with red. In cooking, pears are used not only fresh, they are also baked, dried, canned, etc. Very tasty juice and other drinks are prepared from the fruits, for example, compotes, jelly, etc. Pears are used to make delicious jams, jams and jam. Fruits are added to a variety of desserts, and they are also put in salads and sauces. A sufficiently ripe and sweet pear is very fragrant, and a rather pleasant, sweet smell emanates from it. When choosing a good pear, you need to carefully examine the appearance of the fruit. The skin should be uniformly dyed, with a smooth surface that should not show any dents, cracks or signs of rot or mold. In addition, a quality fruit will always have a hard fruit. If the pear is soft to the touch, then the fruit is overripe.


Pomelo is a citrus fruit, a close relative of orange and grapefruit. Other names are pompelmus, sheddock. This is the largest citrus fruit in size: the weight of the fruit can reach 10 kilograms, the diameter is 30 centimeters (however, such giants are not imported into Russian stores). It differs from grapefruit not only in the color of the peel, but also in larger, elastic fibers inside. The rind of the pomelo is very thick. The pulp is divided into large slices, which, in turn, have a rather dense, poorly chewed peel. There may be seeds inside each lobule. The taste of pomelo is sweet and sour with notes of bitterness, reminiscent of the taste of grapefruit. Pomelo pulp is drier than other citrus fruits. With a fairly low calorie content (about 35 kilocalories per 100 grams), the pomelo fruit contains a lot of vitamins and valuable trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and iron, B vitamins and vitamin C. There are several varieties of pomelo. The shade of the peel of the fruit can vary from yellow to pink, while the peel of the pomelo is very thick. The pulp of the fruit also has different shades - from dark pink, almost red, to white; its taste can also be very diverse - from sour to sweet. Pomelo is usually eaten raw and fresh. You can squeeze juice out of it, but the result is unlikely to live up to expectations: unlike other citrus fruits, the pulp of the pomelo is quite dry. Candied fruits can be prepared from pomelo, it can be added to salads (not necessarily sweet), desserts, even meat dishes. An important indicator of the freshness of a pomelo is the skin, which should be slightly soft, shiny and smooth. Another criterion when choosing, of course, is the aroma of the fruit: the brighter, richer, the fresher the fruit smells, the more mature and juicy it is.


Mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines. A juicy, fragrant tropical fruit appeared in Russia in the middle of the 20th century. Now smoothies and cocktails are made from it, added to salads, hot dishes, desserts, and many are accustomed to seeing it in Vietnamese nems (rolls) with shrimp in food courts. Mango is sold almost all year round, only one variety of fruit is replaced by another. Some mango fruits reach a weight of 700 g, with an average weight of 300 g. The rough and inedible skin of a ripe fruit can be of different colors - green, red, yellow or have red spots. The fruit bone is inedible. Mangoes can be eaten at almost any degree of maturity. Its taste ranges from sour-tart in an unripe fruit to naturally sweet in a ripe mango. Mangoes are divided into 3 main categories: table, dessert and "technical" varieties. "Technical" mangoes are used to make juices, concentrates and various powders. Table varieties are used to prepare curry, chutney, and are used as ingredients for Asian cuisine. Dessert mango is eaten fresh, because it is so juicy, tasty and fragrant. Most people have no idea what a mango could be! There are mango flavors of citrus, coconut, pineapple and even honey. There are sweet fruits like guava, and even fruits with rich, spicy notes that are similar to pumpkin pie. When choosing a mango, do not focus on color - this is not the best indicator of ripeness. Mango varieties come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. The red color that appears on some varieties of the fruit does not make it easy to pick a mango, and it does not provide a guarantee of ripeness. Ripe mango is very fragrant, especially the recognizable aroma of the fruit is concentrated at the point where the fruit is attached to the branch.