
Floral products are foreground flowers, base flowers and greens. Flowers of the first plan are the most fashionable and expensive flowers: peonies, ranunculus, amaryllis. They attract attention and occupy a central place in the bouquet. Basic flowers - flowers that, as a rule, can be bought at any time of the year: roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, alstroemerias, gerberas. Greenery adds volume to the bouquet. Among the greenery, eucalyptus, silver acacia, and ruscus are often used.


Gladiolus - one of the most popular flowering plants. There are up to 250 species growing throughout the world. On the territory of Russia are grown about 10 kinds. In ornamental horticulture is the most common hybrid Gladiolus.

Perennial bulbous plant tuber, iris family.

Flower reaches a height of 2 meters. Erect unbranched stems, stem 7-12 green and gray-green leaves form xiphoid; thanks to them that the plant got its second name: in Latin means sword gladiolus.

Inflorescence -. One-sided, double-sided or helical ear length 30-80 cm Flowers in inflorescence arranged alternately with varying degrees of density. In one inflorescence - from 15 to 22 flowers. Each flower consists of 6 unequal shares, the location of which determines the shape of a flower - forward and backward (Airedale). The edges of the lobes can be smooth, wavy or corrugated. The color of flowers varied.

Hydrangea garden

Hydrangea garden or macrophylla - species of plants belonging to the most popular ornamental shrub in the world of gardening. In favorable conditions for growth, which in this case are the subtropics, can grow up to 4 meters in height, but as we move to the north of its dimensions are reduced to 1-2 meters.

Another name for this plant - gidrangiya - in Greek means "a vessel of water," which shows his need abundant watering.

The history of the beautiful bush began many years ago in the vast southern Japan. At the end of the XIX century, members of the species have appeared in France, where they were bred different varieties of hydrangea garden.

Today, an ornamental plant, wherein a non-standard form of the bush and flowering bright, actively used in the design of gardens and parks.


Iris - an ornamental plant, a spokesman for the family Kasatikovyh. Homeland of this flower scientists believe Asia. Meets iris even in Europe and in North America.

Irises are among the most beautiful and popular colors. They can be found on beds, in city parks, suburban areas. The plant is an erect stem with green flat leaves and large flowers of different colors. Flowers irises not only decorate any flower bed, but also help fight some diseases. Also, this plant is used in cooking to create a stunningly delicious desserts.

The name of the flower was due to colorful flowers, because Iris means "rainbow".


Cullen - belongs to the genus Zantedeschia (Zantedeschia), which is located about 8 species of perennial rhizomatous and tuberous plants from the family Araceae. It features original Calla spadix inflorescence, with a large blanket. This plant is native to the tropics of South Africa, where it grows together with other species of this genus in the marshy meadows, reaching there truly impressive dimensions.

The unique shape and covers a wide range of color (green, pink, yellow, purple, red, orange shades) cause the popularity of calla lilies in creating bridal bouquets and other flower arrangements.


Sunflower or Geliantus - is an annual herb with wonderful "sunny" flowers decorate every infield. How many gardeners know that familiar to us the sunflower refers to the form that has more than 150 varieties of ornamental?

Geliantus - herbaceous plant that is grown all over the world: in North and South America, Europe, Japan and even in Africa. Sunflowers Decorative include bouquets, used in landscaping and grown as potted flowers on the windowsill. And the inhabitants of Austria is so fond of sun flower, they even opened the "Park of sunflowers", which contains all possible wild and breeding varieties of this crop.


Fuchsia - small trees, bushes, shrubs with flexible branches covered with large green or slightly reddish leaves. Leaves opposite ovate-lanceolate, 4-5 cm long, pointed at the tip and slightly toothed on the edge. It flowers profusely and for a long time. Fuchsia flowers are of different colors, plain or terry. The flower consists of two parts: a corolla of bright tubular calyx and corolla with curved leaves. Petals shorter than the blades of the cup, stamens longer than the calyx. After flowering, the fruit forms.

Fuchsia is considered unpretentious and popular potted flowering plant that can be grown as a small tree stam or as a basket plant.