Start of 2023 turned out to be successful for Ecuadorian banana growers

The Banana Exporters Association of Ecuador (AEBE) has published a statistical report on exports of products for January 2023.

In the first month of this year, 35.01 million boxes of bananas were exported, which is 7.98% more than in the same period last year.

In January, the countries of the European Union became the main market for Ecuadorian bananas, accounting for 30.16% of all exports. In second place is Russia with an indicator of 24.27%, followed by the states of the Middle East - 13.07%.

Last season was not easy for the plantation owners. Due to problems with logistics, it was necessary to reduce the volume of deliveries, including to Russia and European countries.

According to the AEBE report, the leading brand of Ecuadorian bananas is Dole. The share of banana sales under this brand is 11.9%, at Global Village - 6.2%, Bonita - 5%, respectively.