Sugar beet harvest did not disappoint

The sugar beet harvest in the Lipetsk region exceeded 3 million tons. Harvesting of the sweet root crop is carried out in 17 districts of the Lipetsk region.

“Agricultural producers of the Lipetsk region use every minute of good weather to harvest a decent harvest,” emphasizes Igor Kremnev, Deputy Governor of the Lipetsk Region. “3.3 million tons of beets have already been dug up.”

According to Igor Kremnev, this year’s sugar beet yield pleases farmers: it is 20 percent more than last year and currently stands at 433 centners per hectare.

In Dankovsky and Dobrovsky districts, 504.4 and 528.8 centners are harvested per hectare, respectively, and in Khlevensky - 570.7 centners per hectare.

All 6 sugar factories in the region are provided with raw materials. To date, 2.5 million tons of sweet roots have been processed there. More than 345 thousand tons of sugar have already been obtained from the beets of the new crop.

In parallel with the production of sugar, the Dobrinsky Sugar Plant stores syrup for its subsequent processing into sugar when the main season is completed. As of November 7 this year, more than 20 thousand cubic meters of syrup were received. Also, 36 thousand tons of pulp and about 23 thousand tons of molasses were produced.

According to the Union of Sugar Producers of Russia, the Lipetsk region is among the top three in the country in terms of sugar production.

The region provides itself with a reserve: sugar is produced 14 times more than the population of the region needs according to the consumption norms recommended by the Ministry of Health.