Potato topped the top of the most popular export agricultural products from Egypt

The Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation reported that the total volume of exports of agricultural products for the period from January 1, 2022 to the end of June exceeded 3.75 million tons.

For the first time in its history, Egypt’s potato exports reached a record volume, exceeding 816,000 tons from January to the end of June to the markets of the European Union, Arab and Asian countries, an increase of about 200,000 tons compared to the same period last year.

The total agricultural export of citrus fruits exceeded 1.54 million tons.

Onion exports reached over 185,000 tons, ranking third among the leading agricultural products.

The ministry said that grapes rank fourth in agricultural exports with a total volume of more than 75,000 tons, and beans in fifth place with an export volume of 75,000 tons.

Egypt’s sweet potato exports are in sixth place with a total volume of over 39,000 tons, while tomato exports are in seventh place with a total volume of about 32,000 tons, followed by strawberries in eighth place with a total overseas shipment of over 19,000 tons.

Garlic exports rank ninth with a total volume of about 20,000 tons, while guava ranks tenth in Egypt’s agricultural exports with a total volume of 7,000 tons, and watermelon ranks eleventh in agricultural exports with a total volume of 6,456 tons.